02 January 2016 11 854 Report

Dear friends here:

Thanks for your reply to my previous questions, and I learnt really a lot from this forum, thanks everyone who helped me, May all the things goes well on you!

Now, I found a serious problem when I using buckling in linear perturbation. I know the critical load equals to the load I set in load module multiplied by the corresponding eigenvalue, so I set the load as 1 to avoid further calculation, but after I get the result, I feel surprised at two tings.

Firstly, the eigenvalue is much more bigger than the critical value calculated from Euler critical load formula, I need this value to estimate the load added to the following steps, but now I was totally stuck here...

Secondly, I tried to changed the load value in load module from 1 to 0.1, and hope to see the difference that the eigenvalue for the case has load as 0.1 should be ten times of the case has 1 as load, but to my surprise, the results are just the same! that doesn't make any sense...

Could anyone help me with this issue, I feel really frustrating about this.

Best Regards,


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