Seeking assistance:

I'm in need of assistance with my analysis. I'm currently conducting a study utilizing a linear mixed-effects model with a 2x3 repeated measures design. Upon examining the summary output, it suggests a potential significance in the interaction among the parameters. However, upon further investigation using the ANOVA function to analyze the interaction effects of the fitted model, no significance is detected. Can anyone shed light on why this inconsistency might occur? Additionally, which of these outputs should I rely on for my analysis?

Like this:


Type III Analysis of Variance Table with Satterthwaite's method

Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF DenDF F value Pr(>F)

xing 0.001393 0.0013926 1 29.480 0.4610 0.502462

Jpro 0.031873 0.0159364 2 59.399 5.2753 0.007783 **

xing:Jpro 0.008996 0.0044980 2 113.616 1.4889 0.229983

Fixed effects:

Estimate Std. Error df t value Pr(>|t|)

(Intercept) 2.781e+00 1.152e-02 7.386e+01 241.336 < 2e-16 ***

xingL 1.409e-03 6.818e-03 4.704e+01 0.207 0.837162

JproN1 3.404e-02 1.590e-02 6.323e+01 2.141 0.036132 *

JproN2 5.562e-02 1.579e-02 6.683e+01 3.522 0.000778 ***

xingL:JproN1 -4.109e-03 6.584e-03 1.591e+03 -0.624 0.532638

xingL:JproN2 -1.346e-02 7.808e-03 4.098e+01 -1.724 0.092206 .

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