I was supposed to amplify a coding sequence of a target (~1.4 kb) to clone into an expression vector. Oligos were designed to flank the CDS (exactly from start to stop codons; Tm-59.5 C) with appropriate adaptors bearing restriction sites. PCR successfully amplified the target, specifically. I conventionally cloned and attempted to confirm by colony PCR, which also worked fine. However, after sequencing in both directions, I detected that at the 3’-end sequence proximal to the stop codon, the clone sequence never complied with the original target sequence. I tried 2 individual cloning attempts, and sequenced 2 clones in each attempt.

Can you please tell me: (1) what could be the possible fault I made? (2) What are the alternative steps I could take to overcome this issue? (3) Should I go for sub-cloning and if so, can I use the same oligos with adaptors to clone it into TA vector? (4) Should I re-design the reverse oligo in 3’ UTR?

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