06 June 2018 0 8K Report

I would like to know whether the photoelectrode I prepared capable of doing alcohol oxidation or not. So I plan to measure the redox potential of alcohol obtained via CV. I try to use Pt as working electrode first. Then comparing the result with CV that using my photoelectrode as woking electrode. Before these, I did CV in just solvent and salt to check the background. And I got CV curve in the picture attached. I want to know why I got such large anodic current in the high potential region. I think it will affect me to judge CV peaks in that region after I add alcohol inside.

My electrochemical cell setup: (under atomosphere)

Working electrode: Pt plate electrode (1 cm^2)

Reference electrode: SCE

Counter electrode: Pt plate electrode (1 cm^2)

Electrolyte: 0.1 M LiTFSI in CH3CN solvent

Did I do anything wrong? Or is there any other methods can predict the electrode's capability to oxidize alcohol?

I also saw the statement that oxidation of alcohols commonly proceeds via C-H bond cleavage. And how can I predict the electrode has that capability or not?

Can anyone help me?

Thanks a lot!!!


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