25 February 2015 3 894 Report

Mystus gulio (locally known as Nuna Tengra) a threatened native estuarine catfish, enjoys a high consumer preference fish in many Asian countries including Bangladesh. This experiment was aimed to assess culture potentiality of M. gulio in different culture systems in salinity intrusion prone areas coast, Bangladesh. Nine uniform earthen ponds, divided in to three treatments, explicitly T1 (mono culture of M. gulio), T2 poly culture with Oreochromis niloticus) and T3 (poly culture with Rhinomugil corsula), hand-fed with same diet. Water quality parameters did not exhibited any significance variance and was found within the acceptable range suitable for fish culture. At the end, considering growth performance, nutrient utilization, survival, net profit and BCR suggested that M. gulio performed better with R. corsula than with O. niloticus.

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