It is widely recognized that the melt flow in weld seam formation occurs under the influence of recoil pressure of vapor. However, the search for such experiments which would have confirmed this hypothesis does not give results. On the contrary, the results of experiments generally contradict this hypothesis:
1. According to the measured results, the pressure in the penetration channel amounts to ~0,001 atm, which is far smaller than the forecasts based on the vaporization hypothesis being in the range of 0.1 – 0.5 atm to several atmospheres.
2. The velocity of vapor effluence under the action of laser radiation of a moderate intensity of ~1 MW/cm2, detected in experiments (10 m/s –45 m/s ), is significantly lower than the forecasts based on the vaporization hypothesis. According to this hypothesis, the value of vapor velocity under laser welding should be comparable with the sound velocity in vapors, that is, higher than 800 m/s.
3. The vaporization hypothesis assumes overestimated values of the rate of weight losses by vaporization. The estimated rates of weight losses in laser welding based on the vaporization model forecast their values in the range of 100–150 mg/s, which significantly exceeds the measured results (2–3 mg/s).
4. In accordance with the vaporization hypothesis, the phenomenon of deep penetration should be accompanied by a drastic increase in the vaporization process. Together with the increase in penetration depth, one should expect an increase in the rate of weight loss. It should be observed for steel at a threshold intensity of deep penetration amounting to ~0.5 MW/cm2. However, in the experiments a drop in weight loss is found at a significantly higher intensity of ~3 MW/cm2 . The existing interval between the threshold of deep penetration and the drop of weight loss in vapor indicates the absence of a cause and effect relationship between these phenomena.
5. In accordance with the vaporization hypothesis, the power consumption for vaporization at laser welding should amount to about 30% of the beam intensity. However, the estimation of this consumption based on the measured values of the rate of weight loss by vaporization (2–3 mg/s) is less than 1%. Such low power consumption for vaporization is confirmed also by the power balance obtained by the use of measurements of efficient and thermal efficiency coefficient of welding, taking into account estimations of intensity loss by thermal conductance. Therefore, the forecasts of power consumption for vaporization (based on the vaporization hypothesis) are not confirmed by the measurements.
Although the presented list of contradictions is not complete, it presents justified grounds for doubting the relevance of the application of the vaporization hypothesis for the simulation of welding hydrodynamic processes.