I tried to submit sequences to the GenBank, but got an error message indicating that there are non-IUPAC residues in the sequence. What does this mean and what can I do?
That error can mean a number of different things, depending on how you submitted these sequences (Sequin, BankIt, etc.) and in which format ((multiple FASTA), SQN, etc.).
For example, for FASTA files that indicates that your sequences are either not properly formatted, e.g., have errors in the header like missing header signs (>) or uneven sets of parentheses, or have things in them that do not belong there, i.e. characters other than [ACGTRYSWKMBDHVN].
Probably there is/are character/s in the sequence you submitted that is/are not accepted. You can try to clean your sequence with the sewer tools: http://iubio.bio.indiana.edu/webapps/SeWeR/sewer_tools.htm