We are all on RG platform, scientist having a required mind level of reflection and analysis.
It has been said that: "Judgment of a thing is a part of its perception", let me before give these introductory examples:
We were free to be on the RG platform, before that we all have an idea of what it is about and we all accept its policy and terms of use (its rules). If you come after a while to say: I dislike a specific measure or a clause, you will be blamed because you were supposed knowing that previously.
Let's take an "Imaginable" platform called ᴙG, where one of its rules say that:
It is not allowed for a ᴙG member to be on any other similar platform.
It is not allowed for a ᴙG member to leave the platform.
Otherwise you will be punished: to do an unimaginable thing (quite your job, stop teaching, stop searching, paid for the time spend on the platform …).
When it takes place and it happened, who is to be “blamed”? Being aware, informed and warned none can claims that it isn’t: fair, scientific, human, ….
Also, after these theoretical states; rules’ violation, when we go to the application of the required punishment, it will be mater of two important issues:
1. How and who is able to certify the facts (the violation)?
2. How and who is able to apply the punishments?
So, for the question “What do you think about the death penalty for the converting the religion?”
Before giving any judgment, let’s perceive the question, because as said above "Judgment of any thing is a part of its perception", so let’s define its main key’s concepts:
1. “religion” a pact and an accord ( rules, violation, punishment) between two parts (one as a ruler or a “master” and the other, a ruled or a “slave”);
2. “converting” reject and drop up (violation) what you were consenting for (the rules);
3. “death penalty” the punishment;
4. “Think”, a point of view, opinion, a judgment.
So, my personal judgment is: It is quite "normal" to accept the punishment for the violation of a deal’s rules.
But, in practice, what about the two important issues, which are, here, more and more important:
1. How and who is able to certify the violation: “converting”?
2. How and who is able to apply the punishment: “death penalty”?
Religion isn’t a “game”; it deals with aware person able to have a deep and serious reflection to take freely a decision under a set of basic conditions: Knowledge, sanity and freedom.