09 September 2017 14 5K Report

I'm using NEB HiFi DNA Assembly, an equivalent to Gibson Assembly from New England Biolabs, to clone 2 fragments (1491bp and 3756bp) into a 8.8kb backbone (lentiviral/mammalian expression). Primers were designed to contain 40 bases of homology. I tested 0.03 and 0.05 pmol of vector with 3x excess of each fragment. Fragments were gel purified and ressuspended in TE buffer. I transformed 2ul of assembly reaction into OneShotTOP10 E. coli competent cells (Invitrogen).

I got a high number of colonies compared to backbone. However, the cells don't grow in the liquid culture (Overnight, 37C; LB broth-100 ug/mL Amp; 225 rpm). Amp is working since other strains were cultured in the same batch of plates and LB, at the same time, and grew normally.

I only get a faint fibrous filament on the bottom of the tube (or inside the pipette tip if left inside the tube). Plasmid isolation from this kind of culture yields

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