We have collected algal blooming samples. The culture looks like Hematococcus. We are activating the culture, hope to see green live cells. Please find an enclosed image.
The culture looks like Hematococcus only, just check with iodine stain to confirm the identity of the alga. which will show you the organism is belongs to Chlorophyceae and put some culture in fresh liquid medium and observe next day, it will form flagella which will reveal the remaining characters. these all are looking like Cysts of Hematococcus only. in picture two cells are oozing out its content. so find the reason for that so that you can save your culture.
If the realised material is moving fast (small flagellate cells) it could be Haematococcus. If not, I can tell you that haven't seen anything like this during my 3 years working with Haematococcus pluvialis.