I have 4 Bidens pilosa extracts prepared from fresh and air-dried plant material. they are annotated as fresh acetone, dry acetone, fresh water and dry water crude extracts. the acetone crude extracts were extracted by maceration in acetone for 48 hours (100g in 1L for dry plant and 500g in 1L for fresh plant), filtered and dried using cold air in fume hood, while the water extracts were boiled for an hour at 100degreesC in the water bath (100g in 1L for dry plant and 500g in 1L for fresh plant), filtered, frozen (-20) and freeze dried at -80degreesC.the mass of the crude extracts after freeze drying (water extracts) and fume hood evaporation (acetone) was 10.19g (fresh water), 14.04g (dry water), 13.73g (fresh acetone) and 2.24g (dry acetone) The percentage yield for each was: 2.75% (fresh acetone), 2.24% (dry acetone) and 2.04% (fresh water) and 14.04% (dry water). what could be the reason for having the highest percentage yield from dry water crude extract and slightly high yield from fresh acetone crude extract while the rest are low?
what could be the reason behind having the above varying plant extracts percentage yield? please help with explanations together with references I could use to reference my discussion. Thank you