Can any one answer me, what can I use to test if the moderator factor moderate the relation between two DV and IV, taking into consideration that DV that I used was dichotomous variable and the IV was ordinal variables?
In SPSS, the moderator variable can be tested via interaction term in regression equation.
Let say you have a regression equation namely Y = a + BX + e. Suppose your moderator variable is M. Then your equation would become:
Y a + B1X + B2M + B3XM +e. Testing for B3 is equivalent to testing the significance of the interaction between X and M. In other words, you you want to test whether M moderates the relationship between Y and X.
thanks for ur reply, I know that regression is a technique that I can to use to test the hypothesis, but what about that my DV are categorical not continuous.
Is there any limited contrition related to type of DV and IV?