I'm writing an assignment about how designers could intervene into the development of IoT and how to make their concepts lead to an influence in research and planning IoT devices / services. I'll be thankful for any advices on this topic.
I think the designers works in parallel with other professionals as an engineer oriented to programming and networks, being of fundamental role to adapt a certain technology so that the product works well with the parameters structured by the Engineers.
So the role would be to help other professionals interconnect IoT with the product/service.
thank you for your reply. Last week we had a workshop with Jon Rogers from Mozilla's Open IoT Studio. We had some good findings. Especially when it comes to social and ethical responsibility. Therefore the impact of IoT needs a broader discussion what is a part of our education. I think this could be more artistically driven research to start a social discussion about IoT and find new areas of application. Especially to think beyond the shape and grasp IoT as an cultural impact on society like the internet was in the 1980s till nowadays. Here we should think about open design as well as decentralization and building trust to the devices and services and give people the opportunity to participate.
Besides this interaction and user experience are an important research field where designers could find a way to contribute as mechanical, industrial oder interface or interaction designer!