Ran out of my usual DPX medium which can get very hard and sticky after it's been open for some time. Looking into different options or might just reorder another brand of DPX medium.
I personally use Canada Balsam, which is cheaper and works well for me, but it takes some days to dry. A coworker use Cytoseal, which is more expensive and dries quickly.
I want recomnend You Citratemount from Polysciences.
It's briliant. I work on this medium with different samples from paraffin and Technovit 7100. It's more helthier besause it's prepare on substitute of xylen and dry very fast.
For fixing your section to the slide you can use egg albumen and for permanent slide that is after dewaxing, staining, dehydrating, differentiation etc you can used DPX or Euparal mountant.
DPX is very good I have used it for over 40 years and slides coverslipped with it are still clear and crisp... We used it when I was a junior tech due to my old boss, who used to use it when she started her career off! She used it for exactly the same reasons, its archive-ability.. So I know it goes back 60+ years, which speaks volumes!.
Use a small bottle which you can twist tight. Don't use the normal mounting medium jarr because air can dry it out. If it happens you can solve DPX with xylene as Akinwumi has recommanded it. I recommand DPX from Sigma-Aldrich.