I want to choose between different memristor models and different physical realizations what is suitable to be used in analog applications
I am trying to fractionate virus from plasma into different densities by sucrose gradient but we only have fixed angle rotors... Has anyone tried doing that with a fixed angle? Should I use the...
13 January 2021 8,372 3 View
Is it ok ti leave the blot in non fat milk for 48 hours in +4 degrees or is it better to leave it tbs-t for that extra 24hrs?
23 February 2020 7,475 2 View
I have infected insect cells SF9 with recomb. baculovirus expressing Core.His and another with GFP. I have extracted the soluble proteins after 3 days and did western blot using anti-his,...
10 February 2020 2,359 4 View
My dear colleagues, in concrete application which more benefit adding Nano Carbon tube or Nano cellulose from economic side and performance?
19 April 2019 4,501 8 View
Dear Colleagues What is the best way to enhancing the shape and the outer surface of the waste plastic fiber to enhance some of the mechanical properties of concrete?
21 September 2018 7,603 1 View
Dear Colleagues Which is more useful in improving the impact resistance of the concrete. The use of aluminum waste as an alternative to sand or cement?
31 May 2018 5,727 6 View
I wanted to diposite a polymer on nanoparticles,but the TEM results shows that that the polymer diposite on an aggregated nanopartilces together. is that a problem of the nanoparticles dispertion...
04 April 2017 204 5 View
I have triangle mesh and calculate normal of triangles then calculate vertex normal and do some calculations on it and want to calculate vertex coordinates from this vertex normal after do...
01 November 2016 992 3 View
can you describe please the contents of a simple reaction to measure catalase activity in a plant extract and is it possible to be a water extract or should it be in phosphate buffer? thanks a lot
05 April 2016 9,175 3 View
28 February 2016 9,668 3 View
I have a sort of "new" configuration in the hardware implementing of an SNN or ANN, which i'm going to detail here. I don't know if it has any worth or not, but it's just a concept inside my...
19 March 2020 7,940 3 View
Non Von Neumann computers are an interesting topic, understanding their usage in the spiking or artificial neural network (machine learning in general). Memristor is a viable building block for...
17 February 2020 5,824 5 View
01 February 2020 2,694 3 View
I want to sweep voltage and measure the resistance of my device with a typical ohmmeter.does the ohm meter show the right amount according to the situation that is described above? my device is a...
12 December 2019 7,344 2 View
Your opinion
03 April 2019 9,119 4 View
I'd like to discover the synaptic weight of a thin film device. What kind of equipament and/or adaptations are necessary and what measure routine. If someone can point a reference or even tell...
10 November 2018 5,558 1 View
I fabricated some memristors but when I try to form them for the first time they broke down. The structure of memristors is Ta/TaOx/Pt. TaOx layer is about 6-8 nm and two electrodes are circa...
21 August 2018 2,295 4 View
07 August 2018 3,569 5 View
Thanks In advance!
04 May 2018 9,297 0 View
If anyone has ability, through institution or else, I need this article: Bipolar resistance switching characteristics of Ag/ZnO:Li/Sn... The irony and absurdity is that this is my article and...
31 December 2017 4,090 5 View