In my case, I was simply not attending, and for a long time before that my participation went from occasionally paying attention/participating to only being physically present. And, that rapidly changed into not even being present.
Instead, I was doing more productive things, self-learning computer skills at a University research institute, where I was allowed access to during their non-work hours. As well, I was doing computer programming work for two other University departments.
The school system simply had nothing to offer me, except negative, degrading, and depressing experiences.
Refer arrival available in R.G . Low Female Literacy: Factors and Strategies, published in April, 2006, Australian Journal of Life Long Learning, Authors: P.Viswanath Gupta
The accumulation of educational errors, poverty, ignorance, different treatment between male and female education, community practices in some regions and countries,
Infrastructure and culture of school as well as society is not girls friendly. But dropout of girls is going down with significant changes in the attitude of parents to their children.
You ask the following: "What are the reasons that girls drop out of school? "What are the likely consequences of drop out of schools?"
As for the first question, there are a myriad of reasons why girls drop out schools. I can think of four types of reasons: Family reasons, school reasons, society reasons and personal reasons. It is often the case that poor families want their children to work, not not study. Many schools still treat boys and girls differently, paying in general more attention to boys' voice than girls's. Fortunately, this sad reality is decreasing almost all over the world. There are many countries and societes that stiil think that girls and women should care for others' well-being and boys and men should be, say, the bread winners. As girls tend to be more emotional than boys, they can be easily affected by bullying, for instance, which may lead them to drop out school.
The likely consequences of drop out schools are dramatic. It suffices to say that only education can save societies and even individuals from possible collapse, be it violent or gradual. Of course, education is costly, but it is far less costly than its alternative, ignorance. As you know, the more people are educated the more they are likeley to pursue the true, the good and the beautiful. Educated people are also less prone to accept brainwashing or indoctrination.
Poverty, lack of interest, early marriage, teenage pregnancy, lack of safety in schools, support to mother in household works and low aspirations related to girls education are the main reasons behind girls dropout from schools.
Please also have a look at these useful links and PDF attachment.
Conference Paper Process of Girls’ Dropout in School Education: Analysis of S...
Article Issues Causing Girls Dropout from Schools in Afghanistan
Article Factors Contributing to the High Drop out of Girls in the Se...
Article Challenges Affecting the School Retention of the Girl Child ...
Article Girl Child Dropout: Experiential Teacher and Student Perceptions
Cultural positions de-emphasizing the position and possible contributions of women to society; viewing women as inferior and mere domestic assistants; where the above views are reinforced by religion and other cultural forces, the education of women is put in jeopardy. Making victims of women and turning them to sex objects in the educational environment frustrates striving girls. Poverty would also be an issue. Societies and educational institutions have to make efforts, put in place policies that would support girl-child education. In many environments, the best that is done is to pay lip service to facilitating the education of the girl child and safe guarding the interests and rights of students and particularly the girl child to hassle free, harassment free education.
In my case, I was simply not attending, and for a long time before that my participation went from occasionally paying attention/participating to only being physically present. And, that rapidly changed into not even being present.
Instead, I was doing more productive things, self-learning computer skills at a University research institute, where I was allowed access to during their non-work hours. As well, I was doing computer programming work for two other University departments.
The school system simply had nothing to offer me, except negative, degrading, and depressing experiences.
What are the reasons that girls drop out of school?
Push & pull factors. Push factors include schooling conditions, family conditions, individual developments etc. Pull factors include society related like unhealthy social influences, distractions, negative trends etc.
What are the likely consequences of drop out of schools?
Illiteracy, lacking of skill, unemployment, quality of life etc. even to negative influence to next generations.
Girls are fragile and the effects of poverty are easily and more felt and noticed in them. They have unstable emotion and easily get tired and distracted. Unwanted pregnancy, peer intimidation and culture are other causes.
Rural areas alone are no longer witnessing a drop in the level of girls' enrollment and drop-out. Urbanization is also experiencing the same problem, and it is not necessarily related to customs and traditions. The economic and social reasons are the most influential and pressure factor on the girl's family. The mere provision of a pen, a notebook, a school bag and a school uniform is a financial burden for poor families, requiring only male education and keeping the girl at home helping with housework and care.
@Dear Dr. Naseer, you are very right. Poor and irresponsible parenting greatly contribute to girls drop out in school. Can there be the promulgation of a legislation prosecuting these irresponsible parents?!
= The death of a parent especially the mother, which prompts some girls to leave school until they serve as the mother of younger siblings.
= Student resort to work during this stage because of family poverty or low income.
= Teacher If he is a lover of his students and loved them, this has an effective role in accepting them to study and increase their love for the school,
= The family has a role in encouraging their children to education by following and caring for them,
= The study material and the large number of examinations may lead to school hatredAddition to the accumulation of school curricula and the focus of the textbook on the cognitive aspects without emotion, making it boring,
= Bad companions who compensate for their shortcomings through drug abuse, moral decay, cigarette and alcohol addiction.
Dear Dr. Roy! Please refer to my article that discusses the reasons why girls' dropout from school in Afghanistan. Hopefully you will find it interesting. Article Issues Causing Girls Dropout from Schools in Afghanistan
There are a number of reasons to why girls drop out of schools round the globe, but the most common reason being lack of clean water and sanitation in the school premises. Though, there are many reasons, but sanitation and clean water are two mandatory aspects which go hand in hand and a girl cannot do without them!
Interestingly where I was teaching at universities both in Oman and in Kazakhstan. The ratio of female students was much higher than male students. In fact the percentage of females studying getting a career was about 80-90% of the student population in all majors.
There are a number of reasons why girls drop out of school, among them are early pregnancy, priority given to a boy child in the expense of a girl child in some cultures, lack of supporting structures in some communities that encourage girls to finish their school, lack of sanitary ware during their menstrual cycle especially in disadvantaged communities and sometimes religious or cultural beliefs.
In the Philippine setting, girls drop from school due to teenage pregnancy, family beliefs and orientation, nutrition, and employment to augment family income.
Teenage pregnancy is very common among the learners especially those who are in urban schools. This is due to too much liberalism and influence from peers, media and even the family issues faced by the learners at home.
The Filipino family orientation imposed the responsibility of the elder sibling (when she/he reaches to working age like 15 - 18 years old) in helping the parents earning income to feed and to educate the younger siblings. Learners who live in poverty suffers malnutrition that hinders their desire in going to school.
In some cases, bullying is also considered factors why girls left in school. Girls are vulnerable to bullying, especially in the school where policies that protect girls and all learners from bullying and other forms of violence.
The women and girl child did not have the understanding of the core values of a girl child. When a child girl child is given proper education the whole world is given proper education.
Girls drop out of school because their mothers especially did not have understanding of the importance of educating their children.
Some cultural influences make it easy for that condition to thrive because in such culture education of a girl child is seen as a waste of resources on them that will later become wife's in the near future.
Government should find a way of reducing the ever increasing number of girls dropping out of school especially in the developing countries like Nigeria.