Thank you kindly for your interest. I am currently exploring the role of mindsets in influencing consumer behaviors for my Doctoral research. More specifically, I am currently investigating "bolstering" and "counter-arguing" mindsets (first reported by Xu and Wyer, 2012). These behavioral mindsets (which were procedurally primed by inducing participants to generate bolstering or counterarguing thoughts in real time) are the first demonstration of behavioural mindsets influencing evaluations of subsequent encountered and unrelated adverts. I have already read much of the literature within the area of regulatory focus. One of my recent studies used an episodic recall task to attempt to replicate the results using a different priming procedure (.i.e. activating past counterarguing procedures rather than counterarguing procedures activated in real time). I am looking for books that will explain different priming procedures and provide an overview of the different models that can be used to explain the priming effects within the field of consumer behaviour. I am currently trying to source a book that can explain the processes / models that govern priming effects from episodic recall tasks. I am having difficulty sourcing this type of information. Any guidance would be much appreciated Paul.
It seems you are looking for something very specific so I am not sure if it will completely fit your needs but you may try to have a look into this edited volume from Routledge, 2011: Transformative Consumer Research for Personal and Collective Well-Being (coordinated by David Mick).
Thank you both Paul and Rodica for the replies. I fear I probably over elaborated upon my research which has confused the matter. Basically, I'm looking for a book that provides an overview of the various theories and models that relate to priming and knowledge accessibility effects. E.g. semantic activation spreading, storage bin model, Goal systems theory, ACT, etc etc. I am beginning to think that book chapters are perhaps my best strategy for getting this information as i have found a few chapters which are very insightful. For example:
Knowledge Activation: Accessibility, Applicability, and Salience. In E. T. Higgins & A. W. Kruglanski (Eds.), Social Psychology: Handbook of Basic Principles (pp. 133–168). New York: Guilford.
Please feel free to recommned any other reading materials.