30 Questions 232 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Paul M.W. Hackett
I am looking for an author to write a chapter for a book I am editing. The chapter is about ethnographic research into critical care. Are you interested in writing this chapter or do you know...
20 March 2020 1,763 7 View
Is there software that has been produced to analyse the resuts of a netnography?
16 March 2019 9,445 6 View
Does anyone know David Oderberg's book: "Classifying Reality"? Oderberg's asks: if reality is classifiable? This question is related intimately to my main area of research, that of using...
23 February 2015 7,546 36 View
Neuroscience has had an interest in the creation and reception of fine art (painting, drawing, sculpture, printmaking) for the last two decades. I am interested whether neuroscience also has in...
24 July 2014 1,334 23 View
I am looking for someone to write with me, or write on their own, about the subject of netnographhy in the context of consumer behaviour. If you are interested then please contact me and we can...
13 July 2014 4,506 7 View
I am very interested to hear what you think about the role of an art critic? I am thinking mainly of philosophically based criticism rather than gallery based criticism written to sell artworks....
13 May 2014 8,009 27 View
Is anyone aware of literature that considers what could perhaps be thought of as perceptual mereology? What I mean by this is a parts-whole account of how we perceive and understand our worlds,...
15 April 2014 604 10 View
How do we perceive a picture (painting, drawing, photography, etc) as a meaningful whole and as being "art", a three dimensional reality and not simply as two dimensional images or sub-parts of...
15 April 2014 9,788 15 View
How does this relate to causation in his work?
31 March 2014 466 8 View
Arnheim wrote extensively on psychology and art. I would be really interested to hear what people on Researchgate think about his work now as his writing is getting to be rather old? How well do...
31 March 2014 5,128 6 View
Once human beings and animals have learned to categorise things around them, it would seem to me that the next step in cognitive or emotional development is the imposition of preference ordering...
27 February 2014 4,477 3 View
I am trying to develop an understanding of Aristotle's categories and I wondered how his concept of powers relates to his categories? Are powers needed to fully appreciate his categories?
26 February 2014 8,261 25 View
Can anyone explain Piaget's work with categories and how this has been taken forward by later researchers?
21 February 2014 6,383 3 View
I am interested in the possible future consequences for democracy and especially electoral processes by IT and the digital age. Are we moving towards a time when direct democracy via instant...
21 February 2014 2,467 5 View
I am very interested in what may be called alternative voting systems. These interests cover proportional representation, direct democracy, referenda, technological advances in voting systems,...
15 February 2014 5,792 17 View
I am working with a colleague from music therapy. We are working on a piece of research that looks at the effects of music upon the later development of resilience. I wondered if anyone has any...
07 February 2014 4,067 6 View
University art teaching qualifications
07 February 2014 4,284 58 View
Does anyone know of literature on, or have an interest in the application of psychological knowledge and principles to different political parties? I am especially interested in psychological...
05 February 2014 7,343 6 View
What role does memory play in the appreciation of fine art (paintings, drawings, sculpture, print-making etc). Is there research literature on this relationship or is anyone working in this area?
28 January 2014 7,437 23 View
Is anybody aware of anybody working within the area of environmental art? I am particularly interested in any information about the amalgamation of environmental psychology and environmental art
28 January 2014 7,819 6 View
Does anyone know of research that investigates whether art stimulates cognitive flexibility and whether there is any evidence that some forms of art (drawing, painting, conceptual, sculpture,...
22 January 2014 4,705 11 View
Neuroscience has been applied or employed to provide insight in many areas of research and human activity. Does anybody know of any work that falls under the title of environmental or conservation...
17 January 2014 4,469 11 View
I am interested in the distinction between figure and ground in art (typically 2 dimensional art, drawing and painting). My interest ranges from historical / philosophical models such as Rosalind...
16 January 2014 8,758 20 View
A strand of my research is into the links between neuroscience, psychology and fine art in terms of art creation by artists and also in terms of art perception and reception by viewers. I have...
08 January 2014 1,881 89 View
Along with my colleague Jessica Schwarzenbach, I am engaged in research into the so called terminal degrees in fine art. Art education has always been somewhat controversial as evidenced in the UK...
08 January 2014 6,566 16 View
I am interested to know whether: 1, you have heard of the social science approach known as facet theory, 2, have you used facet theory, 3, if you have used facet theory then how have you used this?
05 January 2014 2,055 5 View
When you start to think of conducting a complex piece of social science or humanities research, how do you structure this? By this what I mean is how do you ensure that all of the aspects (perhaps...
01 January 1970 4,529 6 View
In the research methods classes I teach students may ask why bother with the small sample size ethnographic type of study that produces data that is prone to error and subjectivity when there is...
01 January 1970 3,880 43 View
Ethnography has been used in marketing and consumer research for many years. If you were designing a textbook for consumer ethnography, what chapters would you include?
01 January 1970 8,216 3 View
t seems to me that it is likely that there is both a human activities and "natural" contribution to climate change. I think we have a moral responsibility for our part in the change and not for...
01 January 1970 4,334 14 View