01 January 1970 0 947 Report

Modern official natural science continues to be dominated and be used as the ruling tool; in the exclusive interest of Anglo-American led and decadent world monopoly capitalism. In the realms of the theoretical sciences from cosmology to biology it perpetuates the mysteries of creation and old historical myths, even reinforcing those with new mathematics driven myths. It deliberately suppresses known knowledge and feigns the omnipotence of God, even linking the origin of life on earth with the Biblical creation of the universe in a “Big Bang”; as the predetermined divine act and purpose; rather than a process of tangible natural, historical and dialectical evolution.

"New Physics – The Negation of Einstein’s Theories of Relativity": Article New Physics -The Negation of Einstein's Theories of Relativi...

“First Life: A Journey Back in Time”, by David Attenborough


In the realm of the practical sciences and technologies, this science does exactly the opposite, playing God itself and claiming omnipotence of technology, including the present hype of artificial intelligence (AI); as a show of grandeur to intimidate the mortals and demand loyalty!

“Human augmentation and its new design perspectives”: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/21650349.2023.2288125

Armed with these two virtual weapons, monopoly capitalism continues to create havoc, specially since the turn of the 20th century; through the brutal suppression of working class and national liberation struggles by wars; and by the wanton destruction of life and resources of humanity and peril to the mother earth.

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