There is an on-going debate regarding this critical issue with a long-standing debate that initiated with Hilferding but it has been a central topic surrounding the Monthly Review School, particularly Sweezy and Baran, with several important critics by, for instance, Paul Mattick. I agree that this was not developed in the first volume of Das Kapital, but it was envisioned through two important tendencial laws: the law of concetration and centralization of capital and the general law of accumulation. It is abstracted from Marx's discussion of realisation in volumen II, but it reapears in vol III with surpluss profits (inclusuding monopoly rents) and the general law of the tendencia decline of the reate of profit. Today when monopoly capital has become the central figure of contemporary imperialism, these are key theorical issues to unravel contemporary capitalism and the on-going civilizatory crisis faced by humanity.