Sustainable pro-ecological industry development based on the concept of green economy consists in changing the business model that takes into account the following issues:

- reduction of production maximizing the quantity and activation of qualitative production,

- minimization of negative externalities, including generation of production waste polluting the environment,

- maximizing the recovery of secondary raw materials, development of recycling,

- implementation of saving and purification systems used for the production of water in a closed circuit,

- transition to renewable energy sources as a source of electricity for production processes,

- taxation of production plants, imposition on the production company of the costs necessary to carry out the reclamation of devastated environment as a secondary effect of the production process,

- improvement of employees motivation instruments to invent, design proecological technological improvements of the production process and development of ecological innovations.

In view of the above, I would like to ask you: What other determinants of sustainable pro-ecological industrial development can be mentioned in addition to the above?

Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.

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