British Journal of Dermatology (1984) no, 643-648.Essential fatty acids in the plasmaphospholipids of patients with atopic eczemaM.S.MANKU,D.F.HORROBIN, N.L.MORSE, S.WRIGHT* ANDJ.L.BURTON*Efamol Research Institute, P.O. Box 818, Kentville, Nova Scotia, B4N 4H8, Canada and * Department ofDennatology, Bristol Royal Infirmary, Bristol, EnglandAccepted for publication 20 December 1983SUMMARYWe have measured all the essential fatty acids (EFA) in plasma phospholipids in forty-oneadults with atopic eczema and fifty normal controls. The major dietary n-6 EFA, linoleic acid,was significantly elevated, but all its metabolites, i8:3n-6, 2o:3n-6, 2o:4n-6, 22:4n-6, and22: 5n-6 were significantly reduced. The major dietary n-3 EFA, alpha-linolenic acid, was alsoelevated, though not significantly, while all its metabolites were also significantly reduced.These observations suggest that atopic eczema is associated not with any defect of EFA intake,but with abnormal metabolism, possibly involving the enzyme delta-6-desaturase. Treatmentwith oral evening primrose oil produced partial correction of the n-6 EFA abnormality, but h