For your research to be the best that it can be, you need access to the most up-to-date and highest quality interdisciplinary content out there. This is why Scopus has a clearly stated selection policy and an internationally acclaimed board of selection experts .
For your research to be the best that it can be, you need access to the most up-to-date and highest quality interdisciplinary content out there. This is why Scopus has a clearly stated selection policy and an internationally acclaimed board of selection experts .
The most important thing is to have a new addition to the field of specialization, to solve problems that concern the largest group of communities, or to provide a new way to estimate a particular element or device that addresses a serious illness.
The most important thing is the novelty of the research topic and the accuracy of the results and its contribution to solving the problem of the largest number of people around the world, as well as the simple scientific method understood by others and provide linguistic safety and expressive in writing research.
The most important factor is the originality, novelty and type of innovation and presentation of work and interpretation and interpretation and accuracy of data analysis of the results and useful of these results to solving any problem.
Novelty is key. Novelty in the idea, novelty in the methodology. A novel methodology could be proposed for a non-novel idea. Novel observations from non-novel ideas and methods are also acceptable. However, not all Scopus-indexed journals require the same level of novelty. Interested authors are required to look up the scope of the journal and learn what is acceptable and what is not.