In addition to the measures suggested by George; Shirodker's extended Manchester repair restores anatomy without sacrificing cervical length and at the same time takes care of enterocele in a novel way.
I don't really think that treatment options should be hugely different in nullip vs. parous woman -- with the caveat that nulliparous prolapse is more likely to have a larger component of constituitive connective tissue disorder/weakness so there is a better case for use of mesh and permanent sutures - despite the attendant risks.
Menopause itself may or may not be important. Treatment options depend more on desires for future physical and sexual activity -- regardless of age.
I totally agreed to all what was said, however attention should also be given to were the event has occurred. That is whether in the developed or developing countries. In developed countries were experts are available, use of mesh and permanent sutures may be the best treatment for all cases of vaginal prolapse, but in developing countries, plication of the round ligament or Manchester repair may be the best option in nulliparous with vaginal prolapse, while total vaginal hysterectomy (TVH) may be carried out in prolapse of the vagina after menopause.
If prolapse occurs before menopause or better in menacme period and there is a pregnacy wish I suggest colpo-sacrospinal fixation, but if it occurs in climateric period or after menopause I indicate vaginal hysterectomy.
I agree with you. Your answer is according to ACOG guideline. It could be both abdominally and vaginally. Just see the ACOG guideline. Another point is that in modern practice there is no role of Manchester opn if fertility has to be preserved
Of course I agree that both abdominal or vaginal route can be used to perform colpo-sacro spinal fixation, but I have preferred vaginal route for I understand that way is less invasive than abdominal route and I think the minimally invasive technics should nowadays be the choice for surgical procedures