While treating psoriasis patients with Wrightia tinctoria extract, we noticed that food and drink additives and preservatives have adverse effect in the healing of psoriasis lesions.
I posted photographs of many types of psoriasis patients in Researchgate and Facebook. You can review them. We encountered 10 types of psoriasis which I mentioned elsewhere. Intake of animal protein aggravated symptoms of psoriasis.
Till date we treated 1715 cases of psoriasis with Wrightia tinctoria herbal extract laying emphasis on keeping healthy life style, healthy diet, healthy fluids. The following have adverse affect on healing of psoriasis lesions.
Smoking and drinking
Animal protein including egg, fish and flesh
Soft drinks, reconstituted or other wise, containing chemical and preservatives
Foods and drinks containing chemical preservatives
Consumption of salted pickles, mango and others
Failure to excrete the body waste metabolites, sweat, urine, carbon dioxide and stool.