For the most part, I have found papers by following researchers on twitter and through blog posts, but I was wondering how other people keep informed. What kinds of methods have helped you? Apps? Reading lists? Daily schedule? Web scraping?
1. Conference attendance helps to learn about new methods, research frontiers, ways of doing things in your research area. Identifying those few conferences that can keep me informed is important, I don't have to attend all the conferences, I only need 20% of the conferences that will give me 80% of what I want. And when you miss such conferences, you can read up the proceedings.
2. Researchgate remains the best academic/scientific online newsfeeds for now. I see what the researchers I look up to publishes withing minutes they upload their new publications.
3. Like the conference attendance, I read new issues of some journals aw well to see new articles and what they are talking about.
4. Local research meetings also help where other researchers talk about the new model or algorithm.
Suscribirse a servicios de información sobre nuevas publicaciones relacionadas con los temas de interés, como el que ofrece, por ejemplo, Scopus y que funciona muy bien.
Try to find systematic literature reviews (SLR) in your field. Some of them synthesize the knowledge covering hundreds of articles. Also, sometimes SLRs provide the listing of highly influential articles in your area.
What are some strategies for keeping up with the latest literature in a field?
My strategy is collect various sources of literature including Journal articles, text books, theses, Google Scholar searched outcome, RG links etc. that I have collected & reviewed & update an Excel log as per RG link below. The advantages of the Excel log are:
help to know what literature artifacts you'd collected & reviewed (without the Excel you might not recall what you'd collected, completed reviewed or half-way reviewed etc.)
to summarize the content of each literature you'd reviewed e.g. addressed issue, problem statement, research methodology, findings etc. (this push yourself to understand what are the high lights / key points you'd obtained from the artifacts reviewed)
for your later stage analysis & synthesis - when you need to arrange & write your literature review section of your article / thesis
Research Excel Template for Literature Review Catalog
one interesting tool is from Google Scholar: Alerts.
You tape the number of keywords you want which are related to your literature, you create a certain number of alerts, then google will send to you the latest publications in your email. about 10 publications per each keyword.
It's is good way to be up-to-date with the literature.
Each two days, you will receive an update on your email.
A large number of databases and publishers provide one or more of the following alerts features: Table-of-Contents (TOC) alerts, citation alerts, and keyword alerts. These alerts are very useful for keeping up with newly published papers and research topics. With many alert services, you receive alerts in the form of emails listing the title and authors of newly published papers, and sometimes even abstracts.