
I am trying to wet etch ITO on glass (100 nm thick) to make interdigitated electrodes of circa 10um resolutions.

I read that HCl is a convenient etchant. I tried a mixture HCl:H20 1:1 and it etches indeed, although I have encountered 2 problems: the etch rate varies greatly in time (a couple of nm per minute at beginning up to 10-20 nm/min after a few minutes) and the resist (AZ1512HS) tends to delaminate when glass is reached. In consequence ITO is etched away under the resist at some points as can be seen on the picture.

Hardbaking the photoresist - 5 min @ 200°C - helps but it is still not perfect. Do you have any suggestions to improve my result?

I am going to try a longer dehydration bake as well as depositing LOR resist under AZ1512 to improve the adhesion.


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