24 January 2022 5 8K Report

With regards to the protocol by 10X Genomics: https://assets.ctfassets.net/an68im79xiti/4cs4w2bjmwUQsiNzwufhkv/e1c7b74aa9f10111090030246efe733f/CG000149_Demonstrated_Protocol_CellSurface_Protein_Labeling_Rev_D.pdf

I would like to clarify what's the purpose of having 10% FBS in the cell wash buffer for low viability samples? Does the FBS help the cells to remain viable longer? Or does the FBS act upon the dead cells?

Edit: I typically use 0.5% to 2% BSA in my wash buffers. So I'm mainly curious as to why it's recommended to use FBS instead in low viability samples.

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