Hi everyone,

im using this established protocol:

Article Establishment and Culture of Human Intestinal Organoids Deri...

I already optimized everything, written under "troubleshooting" in this protocol. I directly obtain the samples from the endoscopy, its less than 20 minutes between extraction and starting work in the lab. During this time the samples are on ice and in the media recommended in the protocol.

So far i was only able to generate organoids from childrens biopsies, but not from older patients. It seems, as if they needed a stronger Wnt-activation?

I use recombinant human Wnt3a at the correct concentrations. Would you recommend switching to Wnt-surrogate or Wnt-conditioned media?

The protocol should also work with samples from older patients.

Is maybe the tissue piece from the endoscopy too small and i need larger samples from the surgery?

Any other ideas, what i could try?

Thank you,


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