hello friends
recently we have got StrataClone PCR cloning kit to clone a gene of interest about 6.1 kb size.
I used LA Taq DNA polymerase for PCR, Gel purified the bands, incubated it with Taq DNA polymerase and dNTP at 72*C for 15 mins so as to incorporate 3' A overhangs.
Later following the mentioned protocol, added 3uL of buffer+ 2 uL insert+ 1uL vector mix9Incubated 10mins at R.T). Transformation was carried out with provided competent cells producing Cre recombinase.
Plated 3uL on LA+Amp with 40ul 2% Blue-gal, also plated 3uL on LA+Amp.
But after overnight incubation nothing appeared. Not even circular nothing.
Kindly suggest me a way to get the clone.