Kind colleagues,
I am running a PLS-SEM on SmartPls 3.0. I specified the model as with two higher orderd formative components (HOCs). The lower order construcst instead have reflective causality (it's a reflective-formative HCM). To estimate it I tried with the repeated indicators approach and calculate the internal, convergent and discriminant validity statistics for HOCs by hand. Everything works fine except the overall model fit (which I know to be a very debated topic) that gives me SRMR above 0.11 and an infinite Chi-square (which I interpret as too many degrees of freedom and too tiny sample - 260). By using the disjoint two-stage approach instead, my model works perfectly. Not only the path coefficients are all significant, but also the overall model fit is amazing (SRMR below 0.06). My question is: does it make sense to consider these overall fit measure in the two stages approach? I mean, is it even comperable to a specification estimated with the repeated indicators approach? How should I choose the best model?
I need the help of the community!
Thanks everyone