I want to develop a HCV viral load determination based on quantitative real time pcr. I have used light cycler 480 and MGb probes and Ez kit. I have used a dilution of 1e7 up to 1e1 as a standard. I optimized the reaction successfully but when I repeated it again after 2-3 times I was confronted with problems. Now my problem is on my standards, the cross point of 1e3,1e2 and 1e1 are the same or so closed .
My mix per reaction includes:
water 0.5 ul
buffer 3 ul
Mn 25 mM 2.5 ul
dNTP 10mM 0.7ul
primers 10 pmol 0.6 ul
prome 5pmol 0.6 ul
UNG 1u/ul 0.1ul
Rth poly 2.5 U/ul 0.5ul
GAPDH primer probe 0.6ul
template 2.7 ul
real time steps
UNG 50 centigrade 2 min 1 cycle
revers trans 60 centigrade 30 min 1 cycle
denaturation 95 centigrade 5 min 1 cycle
Amplification 95 centigrade 20 sec
60 centigrade 1 min 40 cycle
cooling 40 centigrade 30 sec 1 cycle