12 December 2016 2 2K Report

I have looked through several journals that employ this 6 well- transwell, growing cells on a permeable monolayer followed by placing an agarose layer and a piston on top to simulate mechanical compression on the cells. (as illustrated)

the problem is i could not find manufacturers that provide the agarose and the piston. So are these 2 components manually made?

any suggestions on what this piston actually is? isit any apparatus that can hold on weight and at same time fit into well?

method description in literature: 'For compression of monolayers of cancer cells, the cells were seeded on the membrane of a 6-well transwell insert with 0.4 µm pores (Corning, Lowell, MA). 1.5 ml and 2.5 ml cell culture medium were added to the upper and lower chambers of the well, respectively. After overnight incubation (for cell adhesion to the membrane), a layer of 2 mm-thick 1% agarose gel was placed on top of the cells and pistons of desired weight were then applied on the agarose gel for compression (see experimental setup in Supplementary Fig. S1B). '

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