I have an interaction between a soluble protein and a Transcription Factor.

Using Yeast 1 Hybrid I observed that the interacting protein of my TF can change the activity of the TF. Using 2 different promoter regions (2 different gene promoters), the interacting protein either activated transcription driven by my TF or repressed it.

I'd like to have a different method to validate those results. I think EMSA won't work because I have 2 proteins. If I don't put the interactor, I'll have only one DNA shift (control lane), but if I put both proteins I'll have 2 DNA shifts (the unbound TF fraction and the complex of both proteins), since no interaction is 100% effective and I expect a small fraction of both proteins unbound. That will mess up any band intensity comparison.

In other words, I don't want to asses the TF affinity for a specific DNA region, but a CHANGE in the affinity due to a protein interaction (most likely due to a conformational change of the TF upon binding).


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