Hello everybody

I did total polyphenol content for my plant extract . I used Gallic acid as standard and the (OD)s were

Gallic acid standard (mg/ml)

blank. = 0.0000

Conc. 0.25 =0.00350

Conc. 0.5= 0.1000

Conc. 1.0= 0.1650

Conc. 1.5 =0.2280

Conc. 2.0 = 0.2900

and my extract concentration was(100mg/ml) then I diluted it to concentration ((2mg/ml)) .

my equation was as below

Y= 0.0625x + 0.0878 ((R²=0.9743))

For example: one of my OD was: 0.22200

Base on the equation the concentration would be

(4.95680 ).

Question : is it true to divide that concentration by two to get equivalent of (1)mg of Gallic acid or keep results as it??

2- for calculation the concentration of total polyphenol per dry weight of mass of extract there is an equation

Conc. = (x)mg*volume of reaction (ml)* 1/solid mass(g)

Is the volume in equation above refer to sample volume that used in reaction or total mixture of sample and other chemicals additives ???

For example I used about (0.1ml)from sample +(0.1ml) folin reagent+(2ml)methanol= (2.2ml) can I replace volume by( 0.1ml)or (2.2ml)??

3- for solid mass I used( solid/liquid) ratio of (1:10 w:v)

But for some sample (10g:100ml) ,other samples (2.5g : 25ml)

Question: can I replace solid mass in equation with (10) g or (2.5) g?

I'm very grateful for ur response

Thank you very much

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