11 November 2016 0 6K Report

A: Protein lysis buffer components:

what do you think of my lysis buffer preparation?

1)     1M Hepes (pH 7.5) stock:

11.915g hepes

Add 45ml miliQ

Adjust pH, top up with miliQ TO 50ml

2)     5M sodium chloride:

14.61g sodium chloride

Top up till 50ml miliQ

*might take more than a day to dissolve, use Mei hua’s stock solution if urgent

3)     0.5M EGTA (pH 8):

1.902 g EGTA

Add 8ml miliQ

Adjust pH, top up with miliQ to 10ml

4)     1M B-glycerol phosphate:

10.8g b-glycerol phosphate

Top up till 50ml miliQ

5)     0.1M Sodium orthovanadate

Take 0.9196 g sodium orthovanadate

Top up till 50ml miliQ

6)     0.5 M Sodium fluoride

Take 1.0497g Sodium fluoride

Top up till 50ml miliQ

7)     20% triton X

Measure 10ml triton, top up till 50ml miliQàaluminum wrap falcon tube

*leave on roller RT overnight

8)     1M MgCl


Top up till 50ml miliQ

B: On day of lysis

prepare 10ml fresh lysis solution from reagents made in A):

250ul of     1M hepes

600ul of     5M NaCl

10ul of       1M Mgcl2

20ul of       0.5M EGTA

200ul of    1M b-gycerol phosphate

100ul of    0.1M sodium vanadate

200ul of     0.5M sodium fluoride

574 ul of    glycerol

250ul of    20% triton

7.8 ml of    PBS

Add in DTT & protease inhibitor:

C: On day of lysis

Take 958ul from above solution

1ul of 1M DTT

41.6ul of protease inhibitor

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