Security in general begins with the allocation of trust. Being away from threatening is the state of being peaceful. This provides law enforcement units.
Ilyas Ertugrul Inan Unfortunately, public security marketing is a new concept and science. There are limited studies on this subject. Countries will become aware of the concept of security marketing with the increasing acceleration of technology.
Ilyas Ertugrul Inan The concept of security marketing meets some of the dimensions of security and marketing concepts. However, the elements that need to implement security marketing are generally seen as political power.
Ilyas Ertugrul Inan Internal marketing is generally applied in commercial organizations. Internal marketing also has public practices. Especially in security services, although the application area of this marketing method is wide, it is generally not implemented by the managers.
Ilyas Ertugrul Inan Security in general begins with the allocation of trust. Being away from threatening is the state of being peaceful. This provides law enforcement units
Ne yazık ki, kamu güvenliği pazarlaması yeni bir kavram ve bilimdir. Bu konuda sınırlı sayıda çalışma var. Ülkeler artan teknoloji ivmesiyle güvenlik pazarlaması kavramının farkına varacaklar.
Ilyas Ertugrul Inan public security marketing is a new concept and science. There are limited studies on this subject. Countries will become aware of the concept of security marketing with the increasing acceleration of technology.