farmers rights are hindered by conflicts because it is on the land they are supposed to exploit that the fights take place. They occupy their farms and sometimes loot their property. they leave mines which burst the farmers, children, animals and prevent them freedom to work uptimumly.
It has been proven that hunger follows wars and conflicts. It is no mistake but farming activities are prevented, farmers production misused and looted, and their moral becomes down.
Here in Canada, where the farmers have a good lobby, are well educated, and have agricultural colleges and University programs, there is still the problem of income to worry about, because the market sees produce as being a start for manufactured goods, the relative cost per unit of production is kept artificially low, with the result that often Farming is a marginal business unless the farm is of an excessive size. Banks, and Farm Implement companies don't help because they keep overfinancing the farm and then forcing the farmer out when crops do not come in. The land is often worth more than the income the farm can produce.
Farmers right is even suppose to be the top on the list of human rights. I cannot imagine how we could communicate on this medium without farmers. But to my little understanding all atrocities are showered upon them as the end result. Be it land disputes, clashes, communal, traditional, religious, name it. All these are ended on innocents farmers, sometimes tilling his land innocently. In some countries, farmers contribute in no small measure to the economic and social development of the citizens. But they are relegated to the background and most often abused. To me farmers right is to a large extent human right.
Dear Smith and Mohammed, your views are so worthy. I think the basic problem lies with lack of concrete single statute to protect the interest of the farmers. They are governed by different statutes making them subject to atrocities or exploitation. Further the farmers are very much concentrated in production activity and less in respect of legal or other aspects. Hence they are not organized and could not stress their rights. The Universities and colleges are looking towards the processes of agriculture, research and experimentations as to advanced methods in a scientific way. They, in my opinion, are failed in organising and creating a legal awareness among the farmers. As Krushna Misra said the farmers must come out to stress their rights. The beginning should be by chosing their representative in election.
Specific rights of farmers are gaining importance today especially after the organised nature of agriculture and allied activities. One of the foremost rights of the farmers relate to seeds and retain his traditional seed strains. Tis has been subject of much discussion even in the WTO. This issue is being addressed in the larger perspective of institutionalisation of the seed industry today
A real problem came when it became possible to patent a genetically modified form of seed. The rights of the Patent holder were seen as greater than the rights of the user, and this meant that you could be sued for reusing seed spilled over from a patented strain. It brought out the fact that plants tend to broadcast their pollen instead of keeping it neatly in the field it was planted in. In other words protecting your patent is patently ridiculous since the Genetically Modified plants won't limit themselves to the field where they were grown. Owners of fields surrounding genetically modified crops should have sued the company patent holder for introducing contaminants into their crops, but instead the patent holders sued marginal farmers for patent infringement.