1) It is known that anything that is overturned is screwed onto something solid to prevent it from tipping over.

Why civil engineers do not screw the sides of the walls on both sides, with the ground?

The overturning of the walls deforms beams and walls until it breaks them;

Do you like to break concrete?

2) Bending is a second deformation factor that breaks the cross sections of the bearing elements.

It is known that the bilateral pre-tensioning of the sides of the walls when they have suitable cross-sections eliminates the bending.

A combination of strong ground anchorage and at the same time pre-tensioning of the sides of the walls from their upper levels with tendons without relevance would stop overturning and bending which are the only causes of deformation and we know that deformation and failure are interrelated concepts.

Do you want distortion and failures?

3) Intersecting If in the cross section of the wall we impose compressive intensities of 70% of the breaking factor, we increase the strength of the cross section by 40%.

Why do you use the mechanism of relevance as the main reinforcement and not tense walls?

4) We all know that deformation creates inelastic failure.

We mentioned the overturning of the wall and the bending of its trunk as causes of deformation and failure of all load-bearing elements.

However, deformation and even very serious can occur due to inhomogeneous subsidence of the soil.

The ground is inhomogeneous, by nature, with different support strengths at each base.

Soil sampling is required at each base foot, and if necessary soil compaction is required to increase the soil's ability to support the base.

However, due to cost, it is rarely applied and if it is applied, it is done only in great projects.

5) The non-prestressed connection of the sides of the walls with the ground diverts the seismic intensities, leading them on the cross sections.

The prestressed connection of the sides of the walls to the ground from the top level with unrelated tendons diverts the seismic intensities, leading them into the ground.

Why not apply this design?

No more excuses.

The absolute seismic system and the method that follows ensures little deformation and no failure as it controls the overturning and bending of the wall, increases the resistance of its cross-section to cut, ensures sample ground control before the construction of the project, and creates a very strong support strength of construction after compacting the foundation soil.

These are all fundamental laws of engineering, and you continue to design wrong.

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