I am wondering about the exact physical position and the Ensembl name for TLR1 gene in Bovine genome. The NCBI (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/574090 ) shows TLR1 in chromosome 6 without any clue about its physical position. The Ensembl does not give any results for TLR1 (https://useast.ensembl.org/Cow/Search/Results?q=TLR1;site=ensembl;facet_species=Cow;page=1;perpage=10;facet_feature_type=Gene). Some researchers showed TLR1, 6 and 10 to locate in regions of 59 MB in chromosome 6, but zooming into the region I only saw TLR6 and 10 located in the region (https://useast.ensembl.org/Bos_taurus/Location/View?db=core;r=6:59689368-59689468;source=dbSNP;v=rs55617254;vdb=variation;vf=2044109;time=1524594764 ) I also followed other study which genotypes several SNPs (rs55617254, rs55617441, rs43702940, rs55617193) in bovine TLR1 and I tried to search TLR1 position based on these SNPs. However, I found SNPs were either mapped in TLR6 or could not map in Ensembl database. Perhaps, I lost some improtant information during searching, so it could be nice if anyone who work with TLR1 could share physical position and the Ensembl name for TLR1 gene? Thank you for your help.