I tested different drugs for cancer treatment in vitro for now. As I followed so far a previously set up protocol, it just came now into my mind, that the drugs half life might play a more important role than thought considering the duration of treatment before stopping and getting my result.
1) If my drug has a half-life of 50h, does it make sense to test it only 48h or do I definitely need to apply a treatment longer than the half life ?
I think it is better to stay in these hours, to be sure to see the effect of all the drug, in real life, they might give a second dose after the first half-life time's over.....
So if my drug has a half life of 6h, .. I'd rather do a shorter treatment or give a second/third dose ...right?
2) The indicated drug's half -lives are usually referred to the half life in a human body, right? Can I assume that it is the same in vitro? I don't think so.
I would be very grateful for explanations, or links with references,
Opinions in the lab are diverging....