Hi All,
I am searching for the correct statistical method to test if 2 continuous variables measured repeatedly (5 timepoints) in n = 20 subjects are associated with each other. The question to be answered would be along the lines of "Do the two variables show similar temporal dynamics?" or "Does variable 1 explain the change of variable 2 across time points?".
Further info: One variable is a MRI metric, one is a hormone level, see the attached plot. The hormone variable was log-transformed. Time is binned into 5 timepoints with constant time intervals, but could also be expressed as a continuous measure if needed. On visual inspection, the variables show comparable dynamics. The development across time looks non-linear.
Ideas: One can obviously correlate the differences between T0 and T1/T2/... between the two variables but I feel that information and power would get lost here. There is the "Repeated measurement correlation" method (Article Repeated Measures Correlation
fully ) but I am not fully convinced by this as, for one, it assumes a constant regression slope across subjects. There will surely be a way to model this in custom linear model framework - here, I would be thankful for suggestions as I am not too confident with this. Also, I could imagine to come up with a permutation-based method, modelling the development in each subject, averaging outcome metrics, and assessing significance based on randomized data under the null hypothesis of random temporal development.Does anyone have a good idea how to approach this theoretically and in practice? (python or R, python preferred).
Thanks a lot!