I ran the negative control RT reaction (no RT enzyme) using random hexamers and oligo dT primers. I then used that same sample for qPCR of three different genes in fish skeletal muscle. What is perplexing to me is that I got amplification of two of the genes but not the third in my negative controls (the amplification is around 10% of the amplification in samples which did have reverse transcription).

I checked two different muscle RNA samples and they both gave me different amounts of amplification of these two genes while the same third gene showed no amplification. When I run a gel of these samples I get the expected size band for my primers. This is how I know its not genomic DNA I'm getting: I designed all my primers to span an intron, and I'm not getting a larger than expected band in my gels.

The only thing I can think of to explain this is that the taq polymerase in the TaqMan master mix is somehow polymerizing straight from RNA. and its doing this in a template specific manner i.e. two of the genes amplify but the third doesnt in the negative controls. Is that possible?

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