Hi, Currently i am working on isolation of natural products fromMArine actinobacteria, Recently i found out one of my actinobacteria strain which is very strange, when ever i want to do large culture, my all flasks colour is change, from one another.I use Gause medium and same parent sample for all of flasks, The original colour of strain is Pink, after 3 days of culture, it starts to give pink colour then slowly after some days it become dark pink, Some become dark red, Some light yellow, some dark yellow, some dark brown, some green , even every bottle have a strange colour.I even tried dark and light reactions for that, In dark it didnt changed colour but on HPLC-DAD there was no difference, And on hplc this strain didn't show any peak totally blank. I mostly cultured it from 7 -18 days but no peak on HPLC, i don't know what is the reason are they changing because of heat? or what? the temperature is 28.Is someone have this experience?please guide me for that.

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