Dear Researchers,
According to FHWA GEC 009 ( document,
"It must be recognized that the presence of free water does not necessarily translate in conditions below the groundwater table. In fact, the presence of free water refers to the submerged conditions of the pile that was tested during the experimental studies to develop the p-y curves. The tests used to develop the criterion for stiff clay in the presence of free water were performed using cyclic loading at a site of stiff fissured clay in a submerged condition. During the application of the cyclic loading, an annular gap developed between the soil and the pile after deflections at the ground surface of about 0.4 inch. The soil response was observed to rapidly degrade with multiple cycles of load due to this localized scour adjacent to the pile, and the criterion developed for static loading also exhibits significant strain-softening behavior....."
My question is,
1. Stiff clay with free water, does it mean below groundwater level?
2. Stiff clay with no free water, does it mean above groundwater level?
3. By using the "Stiff clay with free water", the kinematic effects of the pile are relatively low, but the inertial effects on the pile are relatively large. Does this seem okay?