Hi all,
First, I made a plot with on the x-axis two certain species and on the y-axis the number of eggs they laid. Very simple: we need a t-test to figure out if there is a significant difference. But first look at the plot attached to this question. It doesn't look significantly different at all right?
The data is normally distributed and has equal variances, so I did a t-test for equal variances and got these results (in R):
Two Sample t-test
data: dd$Eggs by dd$Species
t = 2.3987, df = 156, p-value = 0.01764
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
0.2795127 2.8876329
sample estimates:
mean in group Cornuta mean in group Ricordii
14.65574 13.07216
Very clear that there is a significant difference right? How come that this is not visible in the plot?
Hope you could enrich me with some knowledge ;)