6 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Melindy Dirks
Some of you might recognize my question and the background, but I struggle with this issue for more than a month now and there is only little progress... Here some background info: I have a...
10 October 2020 4,752 7 View
Well... the title covers the whole problem. I have very skewed proportional data (the hatching success of a iguana. NOTE that it is a proportion for every nest. e.g. for nest N1, 9 hatchlings...
11 September 2020 3,357 4 View
Hi there, I know I already posted some questions on this issue, but I still cannot perform this GLM according to expectations. First, I have a dataset with multiple explanatory variables (e.g....
10 September 2020 9,021 8 View
Below the formula and output of a glm to determine if there is a relation between hatching success (proportional data from 0 to 1 + skewed towards the 1) and some other variables such as species,...
25 August 2020 6,379 4 View
Hi all, First, I made a plot with on the x-axis two certain species and on the y-axis the number of eggs they laid. Very simple: we need a t-test to figure out if there is a significant...
23 August 2020 4,141 10 View
Hi there! A short summary of my data: I have song recordings of 60 birds (multiple recordings per bird). During the research period, some birds had more than one nest. Now I want to find out...
18 August 2020 1,453 3 View