I am working on drug loaded nanoparticles and their release behavior using dialysis membrane tubing method via UV-Vis spectrophotometer (nanodrop) and standard curve. For example, if i loaded 10 mg of drug loaded nanoparticles (a variable conc. of drug in nanoparticles) in dialysis membrane and poured 1.0 ml PBS buffer in dialysis membrane and put the membrane in beaker with 10 ml PBS on a shaker at 100 rpm. If i pipetted out 1.0 ml PBS from beaker for UV-Vis readings and added same amount of fresh PBS in beaker for 10 times at fixed time intervals, than what would be the "Dilution Factor" for calculating the drug release % and what is the formula for it?
If i use following formula for amount of drug released in beaker=
Conc.x volume of medium x dilution factor/1000 (correction factor)
% drug release= amount of drug/ theoretical drug amount x 100
1. What would be my dilution factor?
2. How to calculate it?
3. Is there no effect of drug conc. used in nanoparticles synthesis/loading/encapsulating efficiency on release behavior? If so then how to calculate dilution factor for it?
4. Is there no role of dilution used in standard curve? If so, then how to adjust this dilution in calculating standard curve?