I need your help and guidance in a paper using ARIMA modeling. I am working on sea surface temperature modeling based on MODIS remote sensing data, ARIMA model has been used with SPSS.

I am new with ARIMA so results are already obtained but unable to define proper methodology and explain results.

Well, I am using raster data averages that are in monthly from Aug 2002 toApril2020 (213 months). I used SPSS for ARIMA the model is (3,1,1) (3,1,1). As I am new with this, I need your help to understand the model equation and meaning of these R-squared, R-squared, RMSE, MAPE, MaxAPE, MAE, MaxA, and Normalized BIC in model fitting.

I need to know model equation how to write this and SPSS based results interpretation. Though I have model results already.

Your help will be much appreciated. Would you like to help me with this?

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