04 April 2013 14 3K Report

I have a plasmid containing the target gene with an unwanted PstI restriction site. I managed to do SDM to eliminate it.

The first question is: is there a need to consider the codon usage bias when choosing the mutated site? The applied kit is Takara MutanBEST. I have checked the PCR product by eletrophoresis and got one clear band after digestion with PstI, indicating a successful mutagenesis. Then I did blunting, kination and ligation, and then transferred to self-made DH5a. The positive control of transformation was ok, but I got no colonies with the mutant plate. I think there might be some problems with the blunting and ligation process, I just couldn't figure it out.

Has anyone done this before? Should I try it again or change the protocol? How about QuikChange II SDM Kit?

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